LIVING MY OWN DREAM (pt. 3) : IELTS test at IDP Bandung
On Sunday 27th November 2022, I took my first IELTS test at IDP Education Bandung. On Monday, 16 January 2023, I took my second test at the same place. Here is the location : Jl. Naripan No.24A, Kb. Pisang, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40112 What did I prepare on the D-1 (besides the language materials)? I checked the location of IDP building on Google Maps to enable me to calculate the duration I need to take from my homestays ( I stayed at Bobobox and my cousin's house, thankyou Cici Diana for accommodating me ). By doing this, I also could predict which one the building is, so I wouldn't get lost. I read people's sharing experiences on the personal blogs who have taken the test at IDP Bandung, so I could predict how good the service of the staff. I prepared an appropriate outfit. I wear a sweater, denim trousers, and sneakers. No accessories including a watch. I think it was the comfiest outfit for me because all of the things we wear will be s